Sunday, August 9, 2015

Amidst Mayhem and Matrimony I Present: "The Death of the Winter Rose" !

Greetings, Friends!  

Once again I must crave your pardon for a long hiatus with no explanation.  Just when I thought finishing school was one of the last obstacles to a more regular posting schedule something else swept me up - joyfully! - into a whirlwind of activity: marriage!  Two weeks from now I shall have to log back on, if for no other reason than to change my name.  Splendid, no?  At any rate, God bless you all for being so patient.  Here is a little tidbit from a few years ago I thought you might enjoy...

The Death of the Winter Rose 

By Caitlin Clancy
Copyright 2011

Whistle the wind
And fly the wave
Break the crest
And snap the stave

Billow out
And draw the line
Swerve the shoals
Rend the chine

Hard the crash
Into the sand
Behold the bulk
Uncrew’d, unman’d

There she lies
Upon the shore
She will sail

Never more.