Sunday, January 27, 2013

Poem: Recollection

In light of the recent March for Life, an annual peaceful protest against abortion, I have elected to draw out this poem which seemed appropriate for the occasion. (For the record, let it be here established that I am heartily and unabashedly pro-life).  I offer some thoughts here, mostly in the form of a lament, and dedicate them to those many infants who lost their lives, as well as to the thousands of wounded men and women who are their parents.  

By Caitlin Clancy

Remember the little ones –
They are come and gone.
A red wave took them.
We hardly knew then.
We hardly knew them.
We did not know them,
Before they had gone.

They were taken in silence.
They were taken in fear.
Why did we not know them?
They were so dear.

Remember the speechless ones
Whose lives ebbed out.
Whose forms are lost to us.
Whose forms are lost to us.
Whose place is lost to us,
Except in doubt.

Remember us weeping ones
On the soundless shore.
Rememb’ring them now.
Rememb’ring them now.
We had forgotten them,
But forget no more.

The dark is behind us;
Before us, the day –
The road may be broken,
But such was our way.

Remember the little ones,
The lost but free.
Remember the little ones.
Remember our precious ones.
Remember our little ones –
Children of the sea.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Riddle Me This...

My ever-changing form changes not.
I devour yet am unconsumed.
I am many-tongued, yet a mute.
I am divided only to multiply.
What am I?

I whisper without words
I whistle without a tune
I blow without a mouth
I touch without a hand.
What am I? 

Answers may be found on the "Answers" page.  Enjoy!