The Elevation
By Caitlin Clancy
Copyright 2012
Sweet smoke-clouds
waft over the silence –
A stillness
pervades eager air –
As lifted
above the high table,
Of Presence a
few are aware.
O halo of
light in hard darkness!
White purity
over fine gold!
How comes
it, my Lord, that You dwell here?
But of this
no man is yet told
gift of the Father to mankind –
Sons of Adam
and Atreus all!
with cravings corrosive
And cursed
with the death of the Fall
strangely is given, this goodness –
Upon tongues
of traitors He rests
Calling in
voice of thin silence
Whom Angels
taste not nor request
Thus man in
his desert partaketh
In Manna he
never deserved
Into his
house there descendeth
The one only
who perished unswerved
Then round
the stone table they gather
The ones who
deep mystr’y behold
Eternity blending
with time -
Eclipse of
new, ancient and old
of Godly glory
Comes down
like the fall of soft dew
And hear now
the words from the Logos -
Bold, good,
wild, utter, and True!
Does not our
blood rush in triumph?
Do not our
souls pound yet amain?
Here in our
midst is Existence!
And Beauty
Himself is not vain.
Exulting –
an ecstatic vigor!
Truly each,
every has read –
for once is Becoming;
These children
are raised from the dead.
King’s blood
burns surely within them –
untainted flow,
And through dimm’ed
veil of the senses
the One whom they know.
The silence
gives way to proud organ
And fades in
the thoughts of men’s time
But still in
the silence there whispers
One constant
and eternal rhyme –
And only
they shall foreknow it
Who took
what they, unworthy, love –
rev’renced with filial wonder
A child, a
lord, and a dove.